西区故事(2021)West Side Story、英文台词翻译、剧本翻译、中英文对照、剧本下载

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西区故事(2021)West Side Story、英文台词翻译、剧本翻译、中英文对照、剧本下载

2024-07-10 04:11| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Always the coffee blossoms blowing政♥府♥穷And the money owing孩子哭And the babies crying人♥民♥漂泊谋生And the people trying我喜欢这曼哈顿岛I like the island Manhattan我知道你喜欢!I know you do!慢悠悠地抽你的烟斗Smoke on your pipe慢悠悠地吞云吐雾And put that in我喜欢在美国I like to be in America招我喜欢的美国OK by me in America自♥由♥的美国Everything free in America当然要付小小代价For a small fee in America能赊账真好Buying on credit is so nice看我们是外来人 他们就要双倍价钱One look at us And they charge twice我有自己的洗衣机I have my own washing machine可是你有几件衣服要洗呢?What do you have though To keep clean?摩天大楼在美国拔地而起Skyscrapers bloom in America凯迪拉克在美国到处都是Cadillacs zoom in America工业在美国如此景气Industry boom in America大家十二个人一屋Twelve in a room in America反对驱逐越来越多的房♥子Lots of new housing with more space我们却要被扫地出门Lots of doors slamming in our face我要一套有阳台的公♥寓♥I'll get a terrace apartment最好先改掉你的口音Better get rid of your accent美国的生活会灿烂Life can be bright in America只是你得为自己而战If you can fight in America美国可以得过且过Life is alright in America只要你皮肤白色If you're all white in America嘿!Hey, hey, hey!美国La la, la la, la America美国America美国La la, la la, la America美国America这里你自♥由♥而骄傲Here you are free And you have pride只要你坚守本色Long as you stay on your own side想做什么就做什么Free to do anything you choose想端盘子就端盘子 想擦鞋就擦鞋Free to wait tables and shine shoes到处脏兮兮Everywhere grime in America到处都是帮派Organized crime in America美国日子难过Terrible time in America别忘了我在美国You forget I'm in America嘿!Hey, hey, hey!我想回圣胡安了I think I go back to San Juan我倒是知道有艘船马上就开I know a boat you can get on再见!Bye-bye!那里人人都会为我欢呼! -嘿!Everyone there will give big cheer! Hey!那里人人都已经搬来这里Everyone there will have moved here嘿! -嘿!Hey! - Hey!嘿! -嘿!Hey! - Hey!嘿!Hey!嘿!Hey!“很高兴又见到你了”"I'm happy to see you again."那 又见到哪个人让你这么高兴?So, who are you so happy to see again?最后一句Last one.“你真漂亮”"You look beautiful."我想跟达克一样 找个波多黎各女朋友I wanna do like Doc, find me a Puerto Rican girl.托尼 你的麻烦还不够多吗?Ay, Tony, you don't have enough troubles?我不想再惹什么麻烦 但是也许我不会跟帮会的人扯在一起了I don't wanna jinx it, but maybe I'm done with trouble.人生永远免不了各种麻烦 “努恩卡”You are never done with troubles. Nunca.“努恩卡” 是“永远”的意思? -对Nunca. "Nunca" means "never"? - Uh-huh.那“永远”怎么说?What's "forever"?好比“我要永远跟你在一起”Like, "I wanna be with you forever."你是不是应该从 “我想约你出去喝咖啡”开始?You don't wanna start, maybe, with "I'd like to take you out to coffee"?不好 求你了 告诉我吧No. Come on, tell me.“我想约你去塞满坚果咖啡店”"I wanna take you to Chock Full o' Nuts“尝尝葡萄干面包上做的奶油奶酪三明治”?"for a cream cheese sandwich on a raisin bread"?那个听起来太不自然了This ain't casual like that.“我要永远跟你在一起”"I want to be with you forever."“跟你”"With you."“永远”"Forever."我想给你看个东西I wanna show you something.是个惊喜 在郊区It's a surprise, uptown.你看起来有点...You seem sorta...今晚有场群架There's a fight tonight.是我哥哥和他朋友们Between my brother and his friends.我刚知道 -跟你那个朋友News to me. - And your friend就是帮着你跟博纳多...who helped you when Bernardo...里夫Riff.告诉里夫别去Tell him, Riff, tell him not to.是因为咱俩他们才约架的 不是吗?It's because of us they're gonna fight, verdad?叫你哥哥勾销这件事吧Well, get your brother to call it off.博纳多非常生气Bernardo's too angry.里夫也很生气 所以...Well, Riff's angry, too, so...来吧Come on.我们要去的地方比哈林区还远This place we're going, it's, uh, up past Harlem.基本上就是岛的另一端了It's practically at the tip of the island.我哥哥...My brother...他的日子比里夫难过多了there's so much more against him than Riff.他生气是因为...He's angry because...里夫从生下来开始就过的很艰难The whole world has been against Riff since he was born.你觉得我们活得更容易吗?Do you think it's easier for us?我觉得你们有家庭的支持Uh, well, I think you come from families, homes.你和博纳多有希望 你觉得里夫有吗?You and Bernardo, you have hope. You think Riff has that?如果里夫没有想着夺走他不认识的人的希望 他会有希望的Riff could have hope if he didn't try to take hope from people he doesn't know.不是里夫开始的 是博纳多开始的Riff didn't start this, it was Bernardo.他找了我的麻烦He came after me.就是因为我想跟你跳舞Just cause I wanted to dance with you.托尼 如果有人因为我们做的事情而受到伤害...Tony, if someone gets hurt because of what we do...我们对别人做了什么?What did we do to anyone?我们互相喜欢不是一件错事...We don't do anything wrong, liking each other,玛丽亚pero... - María.我跟你不一样I don't just like you.我们不能假装 我们两个人的事情不会带来任何麻烦We can't pretend what we do doesn't cause trouble.我没法劝我的人不惹麻烦I can't talk my guys outta making trouble.他们就是麻烦本身Trouble's what they're made of.一群混♥蛋♥All of you go suck a pickle.你觉得我们会进监狱吗?You think we're going to jail?警♥察♥只是在钓鱼 问些问题They're fishing, is all. Asking questions.我们不回答就是了Which we ain't answering.你告诉我群架的时间和地点...So, you're gonna tell me where and when the rumble's happening...要不然我让你直接进坟地or I'm gonna send you straight to the Tombs.我不知道架约在什么地方了I don't know where the rumble is.我都不知道群架是什么意思I don't even know what a rumble is.他们什么都没告诉我Uh, they don't tell me nothing.他们知道我嘴不严实They know I can't keep any secrets.他们告诉你几点到了吧?They tell you when to show up, right?没有的事儿Nah, they don't.我就是随便逛逛 直到有人喊我出发I just hang around until somebody says "let's go."接下来呢?And then?我就走呗I go.迪兹 我不能进监狱I can't go to jail, Deez.别哭了 眼泪虫Dry up, weepy, or else go sit on the ladies' bench要不然就去跟娘们们坐在一起with the other dickless wonder.别逗这姑娘了 -你怎么不去死?Leave her be. - Get stuffed, why don't ya?你怎么不回动物园?Go back to the zoo, why don't ya?你怎么不去撩你妹妹? 你这条意大利土狗Go suck on your sister's titty, why don't ya? You guinea hyena.嘿 库库拉普奇!你犯了个错误Hey, Krupke! You made a mistake.她不是火箭帮的人 她一直在唠叨我们She ain't a Jet. She nags us all the time.嘿 我就是火箭帮的 托尼跟我说过...Hey, I ought to be a Jet. Tony told me...她才不是火箭帮 她连个男人都不是 -安静点 阿♥拉♥布She ain't a Jet. - She ain't even a boy. - Pipe down, A-Rab.




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